
Welcome to everyone participating in the Creation to the Cross Bible Reading Plan in 2008. Each week, there will be a new post for the week's reading. You are invited to share your thoughts about what you've read by adding comments to that post. From time to time there will be posts about the day's reading, and you're invited to comment on those posts also. And each week, there will be a suggested, optional, supplemental reading for Sunday.

If you'd like an Introduction/Outline of Numbers click here.

A copy of the reading plan is available here.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Weekly Reading - Abram to Abraham. Genesis 12-18.

Supplemental Reading for Week: Psalm 47.

Abram is the one called out by God to enter into the most important covenant for the people who would become Israel. Here are a few questions to consider as you read.

1. What was Abram's knowledge of Yahweh at the beginning of his story? What are the implications of this knowledge/relationship and Abram's actions?
2. What is a covenant? (Use a Bible dictionary, such as Vine's.)
3. How would you describe the covenant between God and Abram in your own words?
4. One way to look at the account given in these chapters and the ones from next week's reading, is to view it as a series of obstacles to the fulfillment of the covenant, and how they're overcome. What obstacles do you see? How were they overcome?
5. Do you consider yourself a descendant of Abraham?

Remember, you can comment on the reading (or anything else) here at the blog. What do you want to say?

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