
Welcome to everyone participating in the Creation to the Cross Bible Reading Plan in 2008. Each week, there will be a new post for the week's reading. You are invited to share your thoughts about what you've read by adding comments to that post. From time to time there will be posts about the day's reading, and you're invited to comment on those posts also. And each week, there will be a suggested, optional, supplemental reading for Sunday.

If you'd like an Introduction/Outline of Numbers click here.

A copy of the reading plan is available here.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Weekly Reading. Genesis 43-48.

Supplemental Reading for Week: Psalm 67.

Last week's reading began (in the NIV), "This is the account of Jacob." (Gen 37:2a) But the story was primarily about Joseph and his brothers, with the brief incident of Judah and Tamar. And this week's reading continues with the focus on Joseph and his dealings with his brothers, although Jacob is affected by what takes place and has the ultimate decision-making authority. How do you account for this?

Last week's reading was about how Joseph ended up in Egypt and what happened to him there. This week's reading is how the rest of the family ends up in Egypt and what happens to them. Joseph has a clear understanding of how all this happened, as he explains in chapter 45. It was God's plan. Where do you see God's hand at work in the events and actions that take place in chapters 37 - 48?

What else do you notice in this week's reading? Does any of what takes place matter in your life today?

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